Saturday 28 March 2020

Introducing The Faceless Ones…

Colin Baker once said that Doctor Who was about “playing cowboys and Indians.” Growing up with three brothers, I can testify that that was very much what it was for us. We’d hide behind makeshift wooden forts in our backyard, shooting not just plastic rifles but pretend Dalek guns. We’d hold our fingers together in the shape of “the black triangle” from The Five Doctors and chase one another until one of us was winded. We’d act out the comic strips in our bedrooms, in front of tape recorders, for our mum. We’d hollow out polystyrene spaceships and march the Dapol Cybermen and Tetraps up and down the ramps. Doctor Who was the door for certainly my imagination. My brothers were never quite as enamoured but willingly played along in the spirit of it all. Jim, the closest brother in age, will still assert that The Tomb of the Cybermen is the best Doctor Who story of all time, and if that isn’t an example of a load of adults playing in some tunnels, I don’t know what is.

There was one caveat when I was young in our Doctor Who play. I was always the Doctor. I can’t ever remember one of my younger brothers being the Doctor. Selfishly, it was always me. I’ve always done the voices of the Doctors. I’ve always loved taking them off and using their respective patters and I know my brothers and friends enjoy it “when the voices come out.” 

In the spirit of play, therefore, and finding we all have more time than usual on our hands (ironic for a Time Lord), please enjoy these videos which I’ll couch under the umbrella term Introducing The Faceless Ones… It’s a short series of some of the Doctors - in no particular order - reacting to the latest, beautiful steelbook release. More to come!



  1. Love the impersonation. Good write up too.

  2. Hey! Thanks so much! Hopefully, given the current situation, we can upload some more very soon!
